Name: Elgin

Team Points Deducted: 0.0

Score: 184.5

Tournament: 10th Annual Comet Classic

Elgin Stat Summary


(Click wrestler to see their score breakdown and match list)

Name Weight Record/Seed Criteria Seed Team Points Scored Extra? Next Bout/Mat
John Willis 113.0 4-4 18.0
Hunter Johnston 120.0 4-7 0.0
Karson Thomas 120.0 8-6 6 0 Yes
Kaden Thomas 126.0 4-6 0.0
Gavin Rhodes 132.0 3-7 4.0
Landon Levalley 138.0 3-5 4.0
Kaleb Martin 144.0 5-6 4.0
Brennan Luikart 144.0 5-6 0 Yes
Kaiden Luikart 150.0 11-2 3rd Place Sectional 2 21.0
Quinten Harrison 157.0 11-3 2 22.0
Jarrod Johnston 165.0 5-4 14.0
Nels VanGundy 175.0 11-3 3rd Place Sectional 3 25.5
Tyler Pasma 190.0 9-4 3 21.0
Luke Waldo 215.0 10-4 4th Place Sectional 2 23.0
Russell Sherman 285.0 9-4 1 28.0