Name: Bexley

Team Points Deducted: 0.0

Score: 150.5

Tournament: 10th Annual Comet Classic

Bexley Stat Summary


(Click wrestler to see their score breakdown and match list)

Name Weight Record/Seed Criteria Seed Team Points Scored Extra? Next Bout/Mat
Marius Garcia 106.0 8-1 34.0
Perry Smith 132.0 2-2 4.0
Kaleb Krasnow 144.0 2-3 14.0
Carson Wolf 150.0 0-7 0.0
Talha Khan 157.0 1-4 2.0
Rodrigo Nunez 157.0 - 0 Yes
Zeke Poulos 165.0 10-3 4 17.0
Brian Haynes 175.0 7-2 14.5
Muhammad Jallaq 190.0 10-4 Sec6 2 28.0
Clifford Padmore 215.0 6-2 33.0
Zach Adkins 285.0 4-7 4.0