
Address: Watkins Memorial High School

Director: someone

Director email: someone

Tournament Type: Regular Double Elimination 1-6

Tournament Date: 2022-02-26

Tournament Information Is Public: true

Brackets and team scores can be found in the white nav-bar up top.


Click to see lineups, bout numbers, score breakdowns, and stats.

Canal Winchester
Dub. Jerome
Dub. Scioto
Hil. Bradley
Licking Hts.
Mount Vernon
New Albany
Olen. Berlin
Pick. Central
Watkins Memorial
Wester. North

Weight Class Seeds

Weight Class Bracket Size
106.0 7
113.0 8
120.0 11
126.0 9
132.0 10
138.0 10
144.0 10
150.0 9
157.0 11
165.0 11
175.0 11
190.0 8
215.0 8
285.0 11