Name: Woodridge

Team Points Deducted: 1.0

Score: 166.5

Tournament: 7th Annual Comet Classic

Woodridge Stat Summary


(Click wrestler to see their score breakdown and match list)

Name Weight Record/Seed Criteria Seed Team Points Scored Extra? Next Bout/Mat
Abdulaziz Vokhidov 106.0 3-4 12.0
Robbie Champa 106.0 4-1 0 Yes
Corey Casterline 113.0 3-8 6.0
Nathan Demangeont 120.0 8-2 DP6, CCHS2, SecP2 2 34.5
Colin Galehouse 126.0 7-6 Sec3 2 4.0
Luke Radwany 138.0 10-1 5 17.0
Jett Johnston 152.0 4-5 13.0
Kyle McPherson 160.0 1-7 4.0
Jason Thompson 170.0 4-5 0.0
Kevin Baker 195.0 6-4 5 19.0
Miles Ashbaugh 220.0 10-2 SecP2, CCHS1, 3 28.0
Alistair Larson 285.0 8-3 SecP2 2 30.0