Name: Whetstone

Team Points Deducted: 0.0

Score: 57.0

Tournament: 7th Annual Comet Classic

Whetstone Stat Summary


(Click wrestler to see their score breakdown and match list)

Name Weight Record/Seed Criteria Seed Team Points Scored Extra? Next Bout/Mat
Jack Zimmerman 126.0 4-2 0.0
Johney Kincaid 132.0 9-7 SecPlac 6th 8 6.0
Paul Buterbaugh 138.0 3-9 0.0
Ford Buterbaugh 152.0 8-4 4 4.0
Jake Winter 160.0 0-0 0.0
Hassan Sesay 160.0 15-3 CenCross Placer 5th 5 18.0
Sallah Abdulraham 170.0 14-4 SecPlac 5th 3 17.0
Preston Buterbaugh 182.0 8-3 SecPlac 6th 2 12.0