Name: Licking Heights

Team Points Deducted: 0.0

Score: 127.0

Tournament: 4th Annual Comet Classic

Licking Heights Stat Summary


(Click wrestler to see their score breakdown and match list)

Name Weight Record/Seed Criteria Seed Team Points Scored Extra? Next Bout/Mat
Drew Lako 106.0 9-5 5 14.0
Bryce Albright 106.0 3-8 0 Yes
Mitchell Coultas 113.0 11-4 4 17.5
Zack Graham 120.0 3-6 0.0
Luke Yeager 138.0 8-11 0.0
Esaias Auls 145.0 5-10 4.0
Cody Wilson 152.0 11-2 4 21.0
Wyatt Peters 160.0 9-7 4.0
Josiah Harrell 170.0 17-2 DQ 3 28.0
Josh Martin 182.0 13-11 7 9.5
L.A. Kelly 195.0 18-3 6 25.0
Christian Duane 285.0 3-13 4.0