Name: Xenia

Team Points Deducted: 0.0

Score: 60.0

Tournament: 5th​ Annual ​Comet ​​Classic

Xenia Stat Summary


(Click wrestler to see their score breakdown and match list)

Name Weight Record/Seed Criteria Seed Team Points Scored Extra? Next Bout/Mat
Maddix OBryant 113.0 3-13 0.0
Desmond Diggs 132.0 17-6 4@Sectionals 2.0
Phillip Nared 145.0 12-8 4.0
Clayton Davis 152.0 5-14 4.0
Taylor Maxwell 170.0 8-8 4.0
Cole Breakall 182.0 4-6 0.0
Forfeit 195.0 0-0 0.0
James Jackson 220.0 12-4 3@Sectionals 1 27.0
Gabe Wilson 220.0 0-0 0 Yes
Peyton Bartley 285.0 22-3 4@Sectionals 4 19.0